“What I like about the kitchen is the energy that it brings – It’s non-stop from the moment I enter until the moment I leave.” Chef A.J. started his culinary career around 2000 in Chicago, also spending time in Las Vegas. Throughout his twenty plus years’ experience, he worked in a variety restaurants and most recently joined The American Club…
“Most people eat to live, but there are a few who live to eat” — these words, spoken by Chef Manav’s father, instilled an appreciation for good food that transformed into a passion to create. Beginning his career in the southern state of Kerala, India, Manav discovered the food alchemy that takes place in the kitchens of luxury hotels across…
Devon Hou, along with Ray Choi is the Executive Chef of Cobo House. Last year, Cobo House relocated to K11 MUSEA where it has undergone many changes. Transforming from a mid-range, artsy spot in Shek Tong Tsui to an elevated fine dining/art gallery destination. Chef Hou has an impressive culinary background, working in prestigious kitchens such as Amber, L’Atelier de…
Having been in the Hong Kong hospitality industry for over 30 years, Rajeev Bhasin is no stranger to the city’s vibrant yet ever-changing dining scene. Bhasin is the founder and managing director of Mayfare Concepts, which among many celebrated restaurants, manages Gaylord, Hong Kong’s oldest Indian restaurant with a history of over 50 years! As well-versed and knowledgeable as Bhasin…
“When they dine out, people no longer just look for food, but experiences – they want drama, concept and wild presentation on the plate.” Based in Hong Kong, Harshil manages 5 restaurants at the Silver Oak Group. He aims to artfully craft distinctive dining and entertainment venues where the creative talents of Hong Kong’s renowned and vibrant F&B professionals…
Delicious USA 2022 美國餐飲巡禮 2022 A perfect pairing of top U.S. ingredients and Hong Kong culinary excellence 以美國食材為主題 薈萃香港非凡廚藝 與香港美食愛好者分享來自 美國的獨特滋味風采 Delicious USA, Hong Kong’s premier festival for U.S. food, returns to local restaurants from September 16 to October 16, 2022. The month-long festival celebrates the sustainability, versatility, and quality-assured food products that distinguish American farms, ranches and fishing waters.…
Celebrate California Wine Month 2022 Enjoy great wines, music, workshops… and more! All in the California Wine Month throughout July 2022! The California Wine Month features events, promotions, and a special pop-up exhibition “Sips of Summer” showcasing the history of California wines from 1849 to the present. Visitors at the store will be able to go on guided tours for…
city’super U.S. Deli – Shop Your Needs Are you a follower of healthy eating but won’t compromise on taste and convenience? Check out the “U.S. Deli – Shop Your Needs” promotion at city’super that runs during June 9-22, 2022. You will find healthy products including keto, sustainable, vegan, natural and organic food and beverages. 【city’super US Deli – Shop Your…
JOin the U.S. Food Challenge to win a $500 coupon! 参加 3日美國食材大挑戰,贏取 HK$500 禮券! 為鼓勵更多香港人運用美國食材,Delicious USA 舉辦咗 “3 日美國食材大挑戰”,以展示美國食品嘅高品質同埋多樣化,仲會送出 4 張 $500 百貨超市禮券俾勝出嘅朋友! 參加方法好簡單,只需要1) 以美國食材炮製3 道菜餚, 2) 喺你嘅Instagram / Facebook 上發佈呢3 道菜餚嘅相片,3) 內容註明所用嘅美國食材,簡述食譜同埋你點解鍾意呢啲美國食材 ,4) 再喺內容同埋相片中標籤 (tag) Delicious USA (IG:delicioususa_hk FB:@DeliciousUSAHongKongOfficial),即有機會赢取 $500 百貨超市禮券,仲唔快啲參加! 截止日期:2021年 10 月 26 號 晚上 11 時 59 分 活動獎品:HKD500 百貨超市現金券乙張 結果公佈:2021年10 ⽉ 31 ⽇將於 Delicious USA…
$500 Dining Vouchers Giveaway Round Two! Giveaway快閃第二回! 再送你人氣餐廳 $500 美食優惠券 今個 7 月 Delicious USA 推出美國餐飲巡禮獎勵計劃,送你人氣餐廳 $500 美食優惠券,一於相約好友展開一場食指大動嘅美食之旅啦! 感謝大家對上回於Instagram美國餐飲巡禮獎勵計劃的熱烈回響。Delicious USA將在 Facebook 額外贈送 3 張 $500 美食優惠券。把握最後機會,贏取優惠券,用優惠價格去指定餐廳享用優質美國食材! 想贏取優惠券?立即了解參加詳情: 讚好 Delicious USA Facebook專頁 讚好此遊戲帖子 留言欄回答一條簡單問題,再Tag @ 兩位朋友 問題:分享一個餐飲配搭,當中最少要用兩種美國食材或飲品 (例如美國牛扒配薯條),同埋講吓點解咁樣配搭. Delicious USA 團隊將於Facebook留言區選出三個最美味吸引又最有創意的答案! 截止日期:2021年 7 月 16 號 晚上 11 時 59 分 活動獎品:指定餐廳 HKD500 優惠券乙張 結果公佈:2021年7⽉19⽇將於 Delicious USA Facebook專頁公佈三位得獎者 美食優惠券有效期至 2021年7月31日 *如有任何爭議,Delicious…
a chance to win HKD$500 dining voucher! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Delicious USA (@delicioususa_hk) 快閃Giveaway! 送你人氣餐廳 $500 美食優惠券 想用最優惠價格去餐廳享盡優質美國食材?今個 7 月 Delicious USA 推出美國餐飲巡禮獎勵計劃,送你人氣餐廳 $500 美食優惠券,一於相約好友展開一場食指大動嘅美食之旅啦! 想贏取優惠券?立即了解參加詳情: 讚好 Delicious USA Instagram專頁 @delicioususa_hk 讚好及於IG Story分享此遊戲帖子(帳號必須設定為「公開」) 留言欄回答一條簡單問題,再Tag @ 兩位朋友 問題:你認為邊一啲美國食材最適合夏天享用?點解? Delicious USA 團隊將於Instagram留言區選出最具創意的2位朋友 截止日期:2021年 7 月 13 號 晚上 11 時 59 分 活動獎品:指定餐廳 HKD500 優惠券乙張 結果公佈:2021年7⽉14⽇將於…
Sustainable Farming: Seafood The Delicious USA festival is back for its third year from July 1 to July 31, 2021! A range of diverse restaurants across Hong Kong will showcase creative dishes using the finest U.S. seafood. One of the most popular and famed American exports is American Lobster, also known as Maine Lobster. Maine Lobster is widely considered to…