Seoul recipe

Seoul Recipe transforms Korean “fast food” into delicate and well-being-focused dishes by retaining the authentic flavors of Korean food. Using only 100% sesame oil, Pink Himalayan salt, and no added MSG nor preservatives, the food is made fresh in the kitchen daily. Seoul Recipe was founded in late 2017 with the aim to provide premium Korean catering services and gourmet food, offering a selection of exclusive Korean products including special Korean wine, Korean beef, and Korean desserts at food counters in Hong Kong’s biggest supermarkets. In September 2020, Seoul Recipe opened its first independent store located at Lower Staunton Street in the bustling Soho district. In addition to Korean gourmet retail products and dishes to-go, Seoul Recipe Soho offers food delivery services and catering solutions for private events and dinners.

While Seoul Recipe is known for their excellent Korean ingredients, there are certainly many parallels between Korean and American cuisines. Fried chicken, high-quality beef, and cheese are all things loved in both South Korea and the U.S. To celebrate Delicious USA 2021, Seoul Recipe is using superb U.S. Beef to create Korean barbecue favorites Galbi (grilled ribs) and Galbi-Jjim (braised short ribs).

Seoul Recipe x Delicious USA
Galbi with Vegetables
a dish consisting of tender Braised U.S. Beef Short Ribs in a rich, sticky and nutty sauce


C. Galbi Jjim $280
Galbi Jjim
A dish consisting of tender Braised U.S. Beef Short Ribs in a rich, sticky and nutty sauce


B. Fresh Galbi $260
Fresh Galbi
Fresh non marinated galbi


In the event of any discrepancy between the information on this website and the information provided by the restaurants, the latter prevails. Dish prices are subject to service charge wherever applicable.

Hours of operation



$500 Dining Vouchers Giveaway Round Two!

$500 Dining Vouchers Giveaway Round Two! Giveaway快閃第二回! 再送你人氣餐廳 $500 美食優惠券 今個 7 月 Delicious USA 推出美國餐飲巡禮獎勵計劃,送你人氣餐廳 $500 美食優惠券,一於相約好友展開一場食指大動嘅美食之旅啦! 感謝大家對上回於Instagram美國餐飲巡禮獎勵計劃的熱烈回響。Delicious USA將在 Facebook 額外贈送 3 張 $500 美食優惠券。把握最後機會,贏取優惠券,用優惠價格去指定餐廳享用優質美國食材! 想贏取優惠券?立即了解參加詳情: 讚好 Delicious USA Facebook專頁 讚好此遊戲帖子 留言欄回答一條簡單問題,再Tag @ 兩位朋友 問題:分享一個餐飲配搭,當中最少要用兩種美國食材或飲品 (例如美國牛扒配薯條),同埋講吓點解咁樣配搭. Delicious USA 團隊將於Facebook留言區選出三個最美味吸引又最有創意的答案! 截止日期:2021年 7 月 16 號 晚上 11 時 59 分 活動獎品:指定餐廳 HKD500 優惠券乙張 結果公佈:2021年7⽉19⽇將於 Delicious USA Facebook專頁公佈三位得獎者 美食優惠券有效期至 2021年7月31日 *如有任何爭議,Delicious…

Celebrate California Wine Month 2022

Celebrate California Wine Month 2022 Enjoy great wines, music, workshops… and more! All in the California Wine Month throughout July 2022! The California Wine Month features events, promotions, and a special pop-up exhibition “Sips of Summer” showcasing the history of California wines from 1849 to the present. Visitors at the store will be able to go on guided tours for…