Delicious USA 2024 Food Festival
Organized by the USDA Agricultural Trade Office, Hong Kong & Macau (ATO), Delicious USA is an annual festival across Hong Kong and Macau where restaurants come together to celebrate the best of U.S. ingredients. Now launching its 6th edition, Delicious USA invites food lovers to Taste the Finest food and beverage products from the United States. Delicious USA shines a spotlight on diverse, versatile, and sustainable, U.S. food and agricultural products including beef, tree nuts, seafood, poultry, fresh fruit, wine, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, pork, and more.
由美國駐香港農業貿易處(ATO)主辦的「美國餐飲巡禮」(Delicious USA)是一個每年在香港和澳門舉行的盛會,旨在慶祝美國優質食材的卓越之處。隨著第六屆的「美國餐飲巡禮」隆重啟動,誠邀美食愛好者一同品嚐來自美國的極緻食材和飲料,共同體驗美國農業的多樣性與魅力。「美國餐飲巡禮」(Delicious USA) 專注於多樣化、靈活且可持續的美國食品和農產品,包括牛肉、堅果、海鮮、禽肉、新鮮水果、葡萄酒、雞蛋、乳製品、蔬菜、豬肉等。
During the month-long festival from November 11 to December 12, a record 43 restaurants in Hong Kong and 8 in Macau will curate special dishes or menus highlighting an assortment of U.S. ingredients. In addition to American steakhouses and diners, participating restaurants offer an array of cuisines such as Cantonese, Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Thai, Indian, Spanish, French, and more.
(In the event of any discrepancy between the information on this website and the information provided by the restaurants, the latter prevails. Dish prices are subject to service charge wherever applicable.)
( 如本頁提供的資料與餐廳提供的有所不同,將以餐廳提供的資料為準。另外,餐廳或另須收取服務費。)