city'super U.S. Deli – Shop Your Needs

Are you a follower of healthy eating but won’t compromise on taste and convenience? Check out the “U.S. Deli – Shop Your Needs” promotion at city’super that runs during June 9-22, 2022. You will find healthy products including keto, sustainable, vegan, natural and organic food and beverages.

【city’super US Deli – Shop Your Needs】

June 9 – 22, 2022

✨海港城 Harbour City, TST

✨時代廣場, Time Square, Causeway Bay

✨國際金融中心商場 IFC, Central

✨新城市廣場店 New Town Plaza, Shatin

For details, please visit city’super page:

A Yuk started her day with a wonderful shopping trip at city’super and created delicious and healthy dishes that enrich her gym day!

木瓜廚房 wants to show you the yummy appetizer, main dish and dessert, all prepared by ingredients picked up at city’super!