Harbourside Grill

A grill-centric menu executed with French technique and finesse, sunset drinks with a stunning backdrop of Victoria Harbour.

Delicious USA 2022 Dishes:

Pacific rock Oysters, Maine lobster cream, & dill oil
Pecan pie, Madagascan vanilla cream
Tomahawk USDA 1.4kg, triple cooked chips and Asian greens
USDA 1.4公斤斧頭扒配薯菜

Restaurant Address and Phone 餐廳地址及電話:

Shop OTE 401, 4/F, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, 3-27 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
香港尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城海運大廈4樓OTE 401號舖

TEL: 2619 9100

In the event of any discrepancy between the information on this website and the information provided by the restaurants, the latter prevails. Dish prices are subject to service charge wherever applicable. 如本頁提供的資料與餐廳提供的有所不同,將以餐廳提供的資料為準。另外,餐廳或另須收取服務費。