Delicious USA 2022
美國餐飲巡禮 2022
A perfect pairing of top U.S. ingredients and Hong Kong culinary excellence
以美國食材為主題 薈萃香港非凡廚藝
Delicious USA, Hong Kong’s premier festival for U.S. food, returns to local restaurants from September 16 to October 16, 2022. The month-long festival celebrates the sustainability, versatility, and quality-assured food products that distinguish American farms, ranches and fishing waters.
香港年度餐飲美食盛事「美國餐飲巡禮(Delicious USA)」將於2022年9月16日至10月16日期間,聯同城中數十個著名餐飲品牌,以豐富多樣且品質卓越的美國食材呈獻一系列美味佳餚,展現本土農產品的可持續性及可塑性,與香港美食愛好者分享來自美國的獨特滋味風采。
Highlighting the versatility of the U.S. harvest, this year, Delicious USA welcomes an impressive 12 new participating restaurants among a grand total of 31 restaurants. Restaurant chefs will present one or more special dishes featuring U.S. ingredients for diners to enjoy (see Appendix I for the full list of restaurants). The rich diversity of cuisines underscores the variety and adaptability of sustainably produced premium U.S. ingredients. In its fourth year, the festival presents additional value for money through a collaboration with one-stop dining platform OpenRice.
踏入活動的第四年,今年與「美國餐飲巡禮(Delicious USA)」合作的食府共有31間,當中12間為首度參與此年度盛事的餐飲品牌。參與是次活動的餐廳在料理及風格上迥然不同,包羅中丶西丶韓丶泰丶印及素食,正好彰顯當地產物的可塑性,且不被菜系所限制,讓來自不同國籍派系的廚藝大師得以盡情發揮創意,為食客帶來別具驚喜的餐飲體驗。於為期一個月的推廣期間,每間夥伴餐廳均會推出至少一道採用美國食材炮製的菜式(餐廳及菜式詳情請參閱附件一),誠邀食客一同投入「美國餐飲巡禮(Delicious USA)」的美食氛圍。為錦上添花,「美國餐飲巡禮(Delicious USA)」今年更與香港一站式餐飲平台OpenRice 《開飯喇!》合作,推出期間限定的餐飲優惠,絕對不容錯過。
Delicious USA is organized annually by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) in Hong Kong. The festival is now a staple on the calendars of the city’s foodies, who can savor the wide range of top-quality ingredients offered by one of the world’s leading sustainable food producers. A perfect pairing of top U.S. ingredients – including meat, seafood, dairy, seafood, fruit, nuts, and wines – and the imagination of Hong Kong’s talented chefs is sure to take Hong Kongers on a culinary journey full of inventive twists.
香港年度餐飲美食盛事「美國餐飲巡禮(Delicious USA)」由美國農業部(USDA)轄下的美國駐香港農業貿易處(Agricultural Trade Office ,ATO)舉辦,旨在呈現優質美國食材的多樣性,如肉類丶海鮮丶奶類製品丶水果丶堅果及葡萄酒等,並加深香港美食愛好者及餐飲市場對一系列享譽國際的美國食材的認識;結合香港各廚藝大師的無窮創意,為一眾美食愛好者呈獻別出心裁的饕餮享受。
Find out the restaurants joining Delicious USA 2022 :
請參閱以下參加了2022年美國餐飲巡禮的餐廳 :